What I enjoyed twenty-four hours ago

Woke late than usual, took some sachet water brushed my teeth,perused an area  of interest in my John c. MAXWELL leadership Bible and kept it aside .Ate some carrots,later I decided to fry  some eggs alongside bread and  while attending to some business  issues left my hot vegetable oil on the electric hot plate next door and when I had made attempt  to uncover  the lid, the pot and vegetable oil came aflame,the lid hurt my right  thumb and i threw away the lid and maintained my calm.    Afterwards I  went for the switch,went I got  to it a smart  guy had put it off and later another not too smart guy made attempt to put off the flame by water in a bucket, I prevented him citing that he could  be electrocuted,many were scared but a guy whom is into electricity related course  praised my courage in handling  the domestic  fire and citing that most effects of domestic hazards are caused by panic by the people involved. Had some discussion with my friend on the Nigerian chibok girls, the government and later people’s attitude .I was at my supplier’s place to collect seven crates of eggs  and earlier was reading Naura Hayden’s:How to satisfy a man every time.

© ADEGOKE matthias omothade2409@gmail.com, fb: madegoke2,tw:matthias Adegoke,google+,linkedin:matthias Adegoke

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